A loan helped to buy clothing and shoes to sell.

Ana Cecilia's story

Ana Cecilia is 25, single and does not have children. She lives with her two brothers in la Mina Guifarro neighborhood, in the city of Juticalpa in the state of Olancho. She is a young woman who has always had to work since her mother immigrated to the United States illegally and someone had to help out with family expenses. Every weekend she works as a roving saleswoman, offering merchandise such as sandles, cosmetics, women's accessories and clothing. From Monday to Friday she has another job. Ana is asking for a loan because currently she does not have much inventory and she needs to travel to the city of Tegucigalpa to buy merchandise, above all the latest fashions. With the loan she will be able to increase her income because she will obtain more earnings which will allow her to support her brothers, who are both studying. One of the problems that she has had is that her mother is not in good health and she cannot be close to her to offer support. Her hopes are that her mother's health improves, and to have her own space that is large and beautiful to display her products, and for her brothers to have good careers. This is her second loan with FAMA and she has made her payments punctually.

Translated from Spanish:
Ana Cecilia tiene 25 años de edad, es soltera, no tiene hijos, y junto a sus dos hermanos reside en la Colonia Mina Guifarro en la ciudad de Juticalpa, departamento de Olancho. Es una joven que desde temprana edad ha tenido que trabajar porque su madre emigró a Estados Unidos de forma ilegal y alguien tenía que ayudar con los gastos familiares. Los fines de semana ella se dedica a vender de forma ambulante mercadería como ser sandalias, cosméticos, accesorios para mujer, y también ropa mixta, etc., y de lunes a viernes tiene un empleo fijo. Ana solicita el préstamo porque actualmente no tiene mucho inventario y necesita viajar a la ciudad de Tegucigalpa para comprar mercadería sobre todo estilos que están a la moda. Con el apoyo del préstamo ella podrá tener mayores ingresos porque obtendrá ganancias y con estas apoyará a sus hermanos ya que ambos están estudiando. Una de sus dificultades es que su madre está mal de salud y no puede estar cerca de ella para apoyarla. Sus anhelos son que la salud de su madre mejore, tener un local propio que sea amplio y bonito para poder exhibir su producto y que sus hermanos sean profesionales. Es su segundo crédito en FAMA y ha cancelado sus cuotas de forma puntual.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details