A loan helped to acquire feed for her animals, as well as small animals for raising.

Katherine Janet's story

Katherine is 29. She is married and lives with her children in her own home in the Cayalti locality, one hour from the city of Chiclayo. In her community it is common for people to work in trade, agriculture and livestock.

Katherine sells and raises small animals and barnyard birds. She raises hens, ducks and turkeys in the back of her house. When these animals have reached a good level of development, she offers them for sale to interested residents of the zone where she lives.

Katherine wants to acquire feed for her animals, as well as small animals to raise. For this reason she has decided to request a loan of 800 soles from Edpyme Alternativa, so that she can reach her goals.

Katherine is a very dedicated mother who is always looking out for her family's well-being and development. Those who know her love her and hold her in high esteem.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

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