A loan helped pay for motortaxi maintenance and updating his documents.

Jose Luis's story

José Luis is 41 years old, married, a homeowner, and lives with his wife and his children. They live in Cayalti district in the Lambayeque department and have basic services such as electricity and running water.

José Luis is a motortaxist. He has 2 vehicles, two motortaxis (a motorcycle with a cabin to transport people). He has been doing this for various years now. At the moment he has loyal clients and experience.

José Luis is requesting Edpyme Alternativa a 2500 Peruvian soles loan to pay for maintenance for his vehicles and updating his documents.

José Luis is a hardworking person and makes the effort to succeed and be able to offer his family a better quality of life. People who know him consider him to be friendly and always ready to help others.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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