Paulina is 46 years old. She is a very hard working woman who lives in her own house with her spouse, Cadeon, 53, and their three beloved children who are the motivating force behind all her efforts. The products that she and her husband have managed to produce with so much effort and dedication have helped her much to progress in life.
Every morning she starts off tending to her fields because she knows that the care she gives her cocoa bean and coffee plants determines the quality of fruit she’ll obtain. What she most likes about her work is caring for the plants and she feels very happy when she sees them big and lush. She’s been in this line of work for 23 years and the most difficult part is having to transport her products all the way to the city of Sivia which is where she gets the best prices for her coffee and cocoa beans.
Paulina is asking for a loan to hire day laborers to help her with the respective crops to do such chores as weeding and pruning. In future, she’d like to plant more cocoa bean and barbasco (an evergreen bush) plants because she has uncultivated fields.
This will be her 12th loan with MFP and she feels happy to have support from all of you because thanks to it she’s making progress. On this occasion she’s hoping once again to be the beneficiary of a loan and she is ready to make her installment payments punctually. She will use the requested 2500 new soles to hire day laborers to help her pick and harvest her crops.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.