The seven members of the KOTOGNOGONTALA IV group are married women with an average age of 27 and an average of two children. Most of them live in polygamous families in Sogodogola, a neighborhood in Kaï in the Kadiolo prefecture in the 3rd administrative region of Mali. They are working with the microfinance organization Soro Yiriwaso to successfully carry out their farming activities during the rainy season. They are on their fourth loan with the organization, their past loans having been paid back.
Mariam, squatting in the center of the photo, raises peanuts. With her loan, she plans to pay for labor costs and buy fertilizer and seeds for two hectares. The crop is sold in the village, in the Loulouni market, and in the Sikasso market after harvest to a client base made up of both men and women. She expects to earn an average profit of 165,500 FCFA per growing season. This profit will allow her to repay her loan and to help her husband with daily expenses. She wishes to maintain this collaboration with Soro Yiriwaso in order to cultivate a larger area and make a bigger profit.
In this group: Mariam Drissa, Oumou, Mariam Siaka, Mariam, Maramou Drissa, Minata, Korotoumou
Translated from French. View original language description.