Maria Eulalia is 54 years old and she lives at home with her husband David, who is 61 years old. Both of their children live in the United States and they help somewhat with the support of the household. Maria has a small store in her house and she sells essential goods such as drinks, basic grains, sweets, and other products that her clients request. She is an enterprising and creative woman. Despite the fact that there are other stores near her business she has managed to earn many clients and every day she sees more clients thanks to her charisma. She is a fighter and she likes to work to earn the daily bread. She has taken the decision to increase her business and for this she needs the help of a loan from Integral (Kiva Field Partner). She will purchase a variety of products for her store, such as: drinks, detergent, rice, sugar, pastries, beans, sweets, cooking oil, etc. With her faith set on God she will be able to obtain favorable results and she will improve her living conditions and those of her beloved husband.
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