A loan helped a member buy groceries and other products to resupply the stock of food she offers her customers.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

Maria Luisa is a hard-working and enterprising woman who works daily in her small store where she can offer a limited variety of goods to her customers.

She has worked in this manner for some 3 years. Maria Luisa has 3 children and has been married nearly 13 years. She learned about the program of “Mujeres” and about what it offers. She was enchanted with the idea of forming a group of women who, having similar vision of personal and family progress, desired to get ahead together, so that everyone could grow in the same manner and their families might lead a dignified and decorous life.

The group is composed of 16 women who are presently in their 9th loan cycle. These women are very responsible and show great drive to advance, thanks to the help the Fundacion Paraguaya can offer.

They are requesting a loan to expand their stock of food, so they can increase the variety of merchandise they offer their customers.

In this group: Maria, Leonida, Ladislaa, Gladys, Rosalba, Benicia, Lucia, Isidora, Rosa, Mariza, Lucia, Dora, Juana, Isabel, Genara, Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Harold Dana Sims, PhD.

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