Julia is 54 years old and has no children under her care. She lives in her own home and works with her daughter. Her house is located in the District of Cata-cos in the Department of Piura, in northern Peru.
Julia has a store in her home where she offers her customers and neighbors different products of basic necessity. She also sells beer. This business has been well-received and has accumulated an established customer base. Julia has been in business for approximately four years and operates her store from Monday through Sunday. She is known for being a perfectionist in her work.
She is requesting a loan from Edpyme Alternativa in the amount of 1000 so that she can buy merchandise. Julia wants to satisfy the demand from her customers since it has increased in recent months. She hopes to increase her sales and generate more income. As a result of her work and effort, Julia hopes to become better-known.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.