A loan helped to buy men's clothes and footwear.

Ernestina's story

From Carrizal, Ernestina sends thanks for financing her business. With her previous Kiva loan, she managed to increase her working capital and also her sales and profits. She managed to use her previous loan to buy a larger quantity of products such as rice, oil, sugar, beer and other basic household products which she sold for very good prices.

Ernestina plans to use her new Kiva loan to buy men's clothes and footwear as Fathers Day is approaching. Around this date, she experiences a notable increase in her sales and she has many orders from families who want to dress their fathers well.

If you would like to learn more about Ernestina's story, you can follow this link: http://kiva.org/lend/195125

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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