A loan helped a member to buy fabric and thread.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

The “Mujeres Unidas” (United Women) committee was formed when several neighbors from the city of Mariano Roque Alonso came together. The members form a much unified group capable of carrying out activities together that strengthen their companionship.

Nancy is one of the group members. She is a Seamstress and makes jewel cases, sheets, crochets; in reality, all sorts of sewn items. She is a very creative woman and her customers are quite impressed with her work.

She has four children and her husband is a Security Guard so they help each other meet household expenses.

She is very satisfied with her work and with the training the group gets. Nancy is asking for the loan to buy more materials she needs for her sewing, especially fabric and thread.

In this group: Nancy, Sonia, Andrea, Maria, Maria, Librada, Marta, Veronica, Elizabeth, Lina, Evangelista, Susana, Leticia, Jorgelina, Lurdes, Concepcion

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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