A loan helped a member to buy used clothes for resale.

Allah Rakhi's Group's story

Allah Rakhi is very caring person by nature. She takes care of her family very well and carries out her responsibilities as a housewife efficiently.

Besides her household work, she also operates a used clothes selling business. She operates this business to supplement the income of her family.

She has applied for a loan from Kiva partner Asasah for the expansion of her used clothes selling business. With the loan, she will purchase used clothes in bulk quantity to fulfill customer needs and earn a good income. She has been operating this business for the past 5 years and has a good number of business contacts. She is hopeful that an investment will be helpful for her and will increase her income.

She is a new loan user and this is her first loan application.

In this group: Allah Rakhi, Jeeran Bibi, Mumtaz Begum, Bilquis Bibi, Parveen Bibi

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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