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A loan helped to buy a car for his business.

Jean's story

Jean is a 34-year-old Rwandan entrepreneur who sells new children’s and adult clothing. He has been running his business for 12 years and uses a car for his business which he has used part of his profit to pay for. His successful business has also allowed him to afford to build a house for his family. Jean is married with five children, two of whom he is supporting from another wife. The youngest is nine and the oldest is 13 years old.

Jean will combine the loan with his savings in order to buy another car for his business. He hopes to continue to grow his business so as to be able to pay the school fees for his children.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (33)
  • Saint Patrick Malmoe, Sweden
  • Good Dogg Front Porch
  • Patrick vD Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • Jeff Tarzana, CA, United States
  • H
  • S
    Steven R Duluth, MN, United States
  • Z
    Zibby Pittsburgh, PA, United States
  • Ander Madrid, Spain
  • TrevorR WA, United States
  • Linda and me Singapore, Singapore
Contributing teams (20)

Loan details

Saint Patrick
Malmoe, Sweden
Good Dogg
Front Porch
Patrick vD
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Tarzana, CA, United States
Steven R
Duluth, MN, United States
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Madrid, Spain
WA, United States
Linda and me
Singapore, Singapore
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