A loan helped a member to purchase peanuts in order to produce peanut oil.

Saf Mana Deme Group's story

The solidarity group Saf mana deme was created are May 5, 2010. It is made up of 20 women from the same village. Their main business is producing peanut oil from peanuts.

Mrs. Diatou, standing on the far right of the photo, is in charge of the group. She was born on February 15, 1974. She is married and has five children.

She is involved in the same business as the other members of her group.

The loan will allow her to purchase peanuts in order to produce peanut oil.

Her goal is to make repairs on their home, help her husband pay the children's school expenses and increase how much she saves.

In this group: Aissatou Bonne, Amie Moussa, Dieynaba, Amy Abdou, Ndella, Marie, Fatou Dethie, Rocky, Khary, Fatoumata, Fatou, Mame Anta, Fary, Awa, Awa, Saly, Khady, Aby, Diatou, Ami Sene

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Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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