A loan helped she plans to buy a dairy cow to enable her diversify her income.

Nancy Njoki's story

This business is a member of the Queen Esther Women Group. Group lending, also
known as solidarity lending, is a mechanism that allows a number of
individuals to provide collateral or guarantee a loan through a group
repayment pledge. The incentive to repay is based on peer pressure; if
one person in the group defaults, the other group members make up the
payment amount. - Kiva Staff

Nancy is a member of Queen Esther Women Group and she is married. Nancy has no professional training in business and also farming but uses indigenous farming methods.

Nancy takes farming as her sole business venture. Mostly she cultivates food crops that range from maize, beans and other types of cereal. Her activities have been affected over the last seasons because of the prolonged drought. She has been straggling with irrigation using local means on a small piece of land but it would have been better if she had a water pump.
This is costly and thus would like to buy a dairy cow for zero grazing.

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