A loan helped buy and re-sell old computers.

Asia's story

“I live in Lahore, Pakistan with my husband and five children. Three of them attend school and the youngest two will attend later. I hope that my eldest son will become a doctor.

My husband purchases old computers and fixes them or sells the spare parts from those that can't be fixed. He needs a loan to purchase computers.

My husband’s work slows down due to shortage of money as capital for this little business. Last night we obtained a new order but due to lack of money, we cannot meet the demand for old computers.

Last year we took a loan from the microfinance institution Asasah to start this business. Before this, we were not doing well as we did not even have warm blankets to sleep under. With profits from the business last year, we are now doing better and have even bought new blankets. We hope to do even better in the future.”

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details