Las Camelias Communal Bank started its third cycle with 11 members who have different businesses such as the rental of synthetic grass, chicha (a Latin American drink, typically alcoholic, maD. of fermented maize) sales, small animals, and clothing sales.
Julia is the President for this cycle of the Communal Bank. She is 36 years old, married and has 2 children. She sells clothing to order. She joined FINCA Peru through the invitation of a friend. She likes it because of the ease of loans, the trainings she receives from the loan officer and above all because she can save. She invests her savings in stocking her merchandise.
In this group: Julia Francisca, Maria Magdalena, Hilda, Margarita, Paulina, Mauricia, Javier, Margarita, Eder Yuder, Rayda, Lorenzo

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jacqueline Demeranville. View original language description.