A loan helped to purchase chickens and animal feed.

Julia Janneth's story

Julia is a member of the community bank Cumbe. She lives in the Olivos area of the Cumbe parish. This parish has a cold climate, but its people have a warm heart. The people work in commerce, raise animals, and farm. This parish has beautiful places to visit and admire nature's beauty.

Julia is 19 years old, married, and has a three month old baby. Her husband works as a bricklayer. They don't have their own home, so they live in her grandmother's house and share household expenses.

Julia stays home and cares for her son and also raises animals like guinea pigs and chickens, which she sells when she needs money.

This is her second loan with the community bank, which she plans to invest in the purchase of chickens and chicken feed.

Her goal is to finish her university studies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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