A loan helped to buy organic compost and seeds for the nursery.

Bernardina's story

Bernardina is a long-time client, since 2006. She grows ornamental plants like daisies, fuchsia, roses, geraniums, etc. and later sells them in the zone of San Pedro. Her nursery is located in a very warm area and is covered with tents. She recently had water installed which helps her to take care of her plants. During the hours when she is working as a domestic employee, her mother helps out.

A grown woman, but still very energetic, Bernardina has two school-aged children. Her husband travels frequently with a construction business, so she feels like the boss of her home. She requested the loan so that she she can buy seeds and plants. She is grateful to the bank for the support they have given her.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Berghaus.

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