A loan helped to carry out mechanical maintenance repairs to her car.

Ida's story

Ida is 46 years old and she lives together with her husband and their 5 children in their own home. For the past 15 years she has been providing public transport services. Her husband is the driver of a car that operates under a line of taxi cabs in the community. She works every day, starting from the very early morning until night time. She considers this business to be very profitable because there is a great demand for this service. For this reason she takes her vehicle to the mechanic for maintenance or when she needs to buy new parts. Currently she has two minivans, driven by her children and providing the same type of service. This is loan number 8 with MFP (Kiva Field Partner) and she is one of the members with the most seniority in her group. She has remained during this time because she has seen the positive impact of being a member of a communal bank. She is committed once again to be on time with her payments. With the loan that she requests she will invest in maintenance repairs to her car.

Translated from Spanish.

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