Martín is 54 years old and single. He lives alone in his own house which receives services such as running water and electricity. Martín resides in the District of Tambogrande, which is approximately 40 minutes away from the Department of Piura. This place is known for agriculture, livestock breeding, and handicrafts.
Martín has been selling newspapers for 10 years. He travels through the district on foot so that he can sell his product. Martín has his own customer base and works alone when he distributes his merchandise. He is able to generate a daily income, but in a few instances he delivers newspapers every day and then collects payment on a weekly basis. His income is used exclusively to cover his daily needs.
Martín is requesting a loan from Edpyme Alternativa in the amount of 1200 PEN to purchase a bicycle to help him with his daily distribution of newspapers. This will make his work easier and enable him to finish in less time. With effort, Martín works hard to succeed and grow his business so that he can repay his loan and improve his quality of life.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.