A loan helped to purchase more products to supply her business.

Rosa Maria's story

Rosa is the mother of a family. She is 60 years old and she lives with her husband, her daughter, and a grandson in a house of their own. it is equipped with running water and with hydro. The living room was reconditioned to host a small store. It is located in the rural village of El Pariso, at 15 minutes from the district of Andres Razuri, at 30 minutes from the province of Ascope, and at 1 hour's distance form the department of La Libertad (Trujillo). These regions are known for the important business activities of population, including commerce, agriculture, farming, and tourism.

Rosa manages the store in her house where her neighbors find some products (bathroom tissue, bleach, detergent, sweets, etc.). The small business that Rosa has installed she tries her best to provide her family with a better quality of life. Her daughter also contributes to their income. She provides cleaning services in a private family home.

At a visit to Edpyme Alternativa (Kiva Field Partner) Rosa requested a loan of 600 nuevos soles to supply her store with more inventory in order to meet the needs of her clients, and in turn to increase her earnings.

Rosa is known by her neighbors to be a very happy woman who is ready to help others. She is a responsible mother whose objective for her family is to provide for them through her efforts and hard work.

Translated from Spanish.

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