A loan helped to buy fertilizer to grow his flowers.

Andres's story

Andres is 57 years old, only has water and light bills to pay, has his own home, and lives alone in Callanca 15 minutes from Monsefú and 20 minutes from the Chiclayo department. The place is known for having placed distinct rural restaurants that serve local plates and growing flowers.
Andres sells flowers in the Modelo market located in the City of Chiclayo, counts on a stable clientele, and demand for his flowers has increased allowing him to make more profits and improve the quality of his life.
Andres is requesting a 2000 Peruvian Soles loan from Edpyme Alternativa through the capital of Semilla. The loan will be used to buy fertilizer for growing his flowers and for their quality to be at their best so he can make more profits and his business can grow.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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