A loan helped to buy building materials and supplies.

Magaly Elizabeth's story

The María José communal bank meets every two weeks in the city of Portoviejo’s Picoaza Parish, a place renown for being a very commercial zone, for its traditional feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and for the joy of its residents.

We met Magaly, 40, here. She’s married and has two children who are 16 and 8 years of age; both go to school. Her husband is a merchant. She’s been in the communal bank for three cycles and she likes it because the loans have been improving her life day to day.

She is taking out this loan to build a small cistern in her house so that they’ll never lack water, this so vital liquid that is not available in this sector. She tells us that in this part of the city water does not arrive through pipes but rather it must be purchased and stored in small tanks. Having to buy water this way is expensive and the water doesn’t last very long. Because of this she wants to build a cistern so that she can buy water by the tank truck full and thus have sufficient water at a better price to improve her quality of life.

She will use this loan to buy cement, iron rods, gravel, sand and other materials needed to carry out this project. Her dreams are to be healthy and to fix up her house the best way possible.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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