A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers and pay for labor for his rice cultivation business.

Twisungane Group's story

Théobard Sinzabwakwira is a rice cultivator, a member of group Twisungane, and has been a customer of Kiva's partner, ACB, since 2010. He's 65 years old, married, and has eight children, aged 21 to 42. He was born in Rwanda, in Ruhuha sector, and completed three years of elementary school.

He is seeking his third loan from ACB, and has a very good repayment history. He will use the loan to buy urea and NPK (fertilizers), and to pay for labor for his rice cultivation business.

He would like to become a wholesaler or a rice provider in Ruhura sector, pay his family's medical expenses, and also buy a lot of land for his family.

In this group: Theobard, Stefano, Sylivane, Emmanuel, Jean, Loutien, Bertin, Vesensiya, Emmanuel, Vestine, Augustin, Augustin, Beatrice, Espérance, Noel, Marie, Francine, Innocent, Sylivestre, Jean Paul, Jean Paul, Jean, Agnès, Sosthene, Christian, Augustin, Adela

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Patrick Stadelmann.

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