A loan helped to purchase more plastic products to add inventory to her store.

Natalia's story

Natalia is the mother of a family. She is 40 years old and she lives with her husband and children in a home that is their own and that is equipped with running water and hydro. It is located in the community of Saqa, belonging to the Zana district, at one hour's distance from Chiclayo. This district is known to be a tourist area and an agricultural and farming region.

Natalia has been selling plastic products (buckets, containers, toys, etc) for a few years. She carries out her business from a conditioned spaced in her house. This is her way of helping her husband with their finances so in the end the family is prosperous.

Natalia has requested a loan from Edpyme Alternativa (Kiva Field Partner) in the amount of 2000 nuevos soles in order to purchase more products (brooms, dust pans, tubs, etc.). Sales have increased in her community. With her income she will be able to repay the loan and she will be able to cover her daily necessities.

Natalia is known to be an enterprising, hardworking and devoted woman by the population of Saqa. Her only goal is to see her children grow up to be good men in the near future.

Translated from Spanish.

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