A loan helped a member to buy more meat and sausages.

El Santuario Group's story

This group is called "El santuario" (The Sanctuary). This story is about Señora Yaneth O. C., one of the group members. She is 30 years old and married to José Luis, a police officer. They have four children: Chelsi Mariel, José Luis, Félix and Yoctzi Yamel. The eldest two children attend elementary school, second and first grade respectively, while the other two are still too young.

Yaneth has been selling meat and chorizo (pork sausage) for eight years. She says that she chose this activity because she wanted to find a way to help her husband with household and education expenses. Moreover, she wanted to improve her quality of life and have a good financial cushion. She will use her loan to buy more beef and chorizo to continue her sales.

Doña Yaneth's goal is to provide a very good education to her children. They should study for a degree and get an excellent profession, and thus have a better future. In addition, Yaneth wants to expand her business. She thinks about building new premises for her store with a much greater and diversified offer, and earning a higher income.

She says that all the members of her group are very reliable, responsible and above all hard-working people. Señora Yaneth is thankful to the microfinance institution FRAC and to Kiva, because they have enabled her to have her own business and thus change her life and that of her family. Doña Yaneth's colleagues are Soila, Elvira, Maribel, María del Socorro, Tomasa, Natividad, Faustina, Yarexis, Eloina, María, Teresa, Yanet, Virginia and Sonia, who are engaged in different activities, such as selling fruit, clothes, fish, groceries, food, corn, meat, tamales, fruit and vegetables.

In this group: Soila, Elvia, Maribel, Maria Del Socorro, Tomasa, Natividad, Faustina, Yarexis Viridiana, Eloina, Maria, Teresa, Yanet, Virginia, Sonia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Robert Mouris.

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