A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers and manure for her farm.

Nuevo Amanecer Group's story

Herminia is a member of the "Nuevo Amanecer" (New Dawn) community bank. She has been farming for 30 years and owns a farm where she grows and harvests avocados and 'chirimoyas' (custard apples). Herminia is 77 years old and a widow. She tells us that, together with her brother, she took the decision to buy a small farm which currently helps her financially. Herminia also rents out rooms in her home. She has managed, through her efforts, to build her own home and educate her children. She currently covers her food expenses and basic service expenses.

Herminia's goal for the future is to help her children with the upbringing and education of her grandchildren. Herminia is a punctual and responsible member of her bank and she will invest her loan in buying manure and basic fertilizers for her farm. Both Herminia and the other members of "Nuevo Amanecer" are grateful for the loan they have received and are committed to EDAPROSPO's Prosperidad (Prosperity) program.

In this group: Herminia, Manuela Catalina, Mery Maria, Elva Micaela, Elsa, Lumper Marcial, Elvira Pilar, Lila Amanda

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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