A loan helped to buy sacks of organic fertilizer for his potato crops.

Nazario's story

Nazario, age 32, is a hard-working single man. He lives with his mother, Yolanda. He takes care of her with great devotion because she is elderly. They both live in their own house in the rural area of Villa Visca.

He is a farmer. He started growing native crops like potatoes and peas fifteen years ago on his own land. He says that during the farming season he rents fields in the rural community of Huacas, where he plants in greater quantities. What he likes most about his work is always being able to sell his crops. In spite of the instability of the market, he always gets income.

He dries the potatoes for a specific amount of time, and then he sells them as seeds when he can get a better price for them at the market. He also works as a field worker on different fields where they pay him 25 soles per day. This way he earns some extra money.

His biggest concern is the lack of more farming land. Renting costs him more money. That is why he is saving what he needs to be able to buy land.

He belongs to the Villa Visca Communal Bank. This is his tenth loan with MFP. He works earnestly for the development of his association. He is part of the governing board.

Nazario will use the requested loan to buy two bags of pea seeds. He will also buy various sacks or organic fertilizer, which he will spread over his potato crops.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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