A loan helped to buy dry food for selling.

Josephine's story

Meet Josephine, a married refugee with seven children who all attend school. This time she has changed her business, and she has started selling dry food, which she feels is a better and more lucrative business, since food is a daily necessity. Unlike sewing, which is not always in demand, food has a ready market and the customers are already there. She would like to add more stock to the business.

With this in place, she will be able to boost her sales, pay school fees and offer her family a better life than what they have right now.

She would like to buy dry food for sell. Her dream is still to build a permanent house. She is forever grateful for all the support that VisionFund and Kiva gave her to be a better person.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees in Uganda rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

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