A loan helped to buy a car and to use it for her taxi business, giving the chance for her and husband to earn some extra income for their family.

Tuyatsetseg's story

Mrs.Tuyatsetseg is 32 years old, lives with her husband and three children in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. All three kids goes to secondary school. Tuyatsetseg’s family live in a ger, a traditional Mongolian nomadic tent. Tuyatsetseg is hair dresser and she has been working for a beauty salon since 2006 and she is the only bread winner in the family. Her husband is currently unemployed. He sometimes does a laborer job on a construction site on a casual basis. Tuyatsetseg is planning to buy a family car and she wants her husband to run a taxi business, because a taxi business is quite profitable at the moment in Ulaanbaatar city. Her savings is 2,500,000 MNT which is around 2000 USDs at the moment. To buy a car she needs an extra 1200 USDs which she is asking to borrow from us. The money will be used to buy a car and to use it for a taxi business, giving chance to her husband to earn some extra income for the family.

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