A loan helped a female-owned dairy install a cheese vat to make more amazing products for the community.

Amy's story

I am a dairy farmer. Years ago, I started my small herd of A2 dairy cows with a vision: to provide high-quality, locally produced dairy while connecting my community to where their food comes from. I built my business from the ground up, selling fresh milk and ice cream, hosting farm tours, and educating others about sustainable farming.

One of my biggest goals has been to process more of my milk on-site, reducing waste and increasing the value of every drop my cows produce. I’ve taken steps toward this by feeding food byproducts to my herd, participating in climate-smart initiatives, and always looking for ways to improve sustainability. Now, I’m ready to take the next step—installing a cheese vat to expand my dairy offerings.

Cheese-making will allow me to transform my milk into high-quality, artisan products while keeping more of the process in my hands. This investment strengthens my farm’s future, increases profitability, and helps me continue proving that women belong in dairy. With this loan, I can complete my cheese vat installation and bring farm-fresh cheese to my community. This will deepen their connection to local ag and ensure my growth into the future.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Destiny Dairy Bar

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: destinydairybar.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details