Celinda is a member of the Victor Echave Communal Bank, which is in the Puno district and department. She is 46 years old, single, and has one child. She has a post-secondary education.
She sells clothes. She has been working with the Movimiento Manuela Ramos for one year. She invested her first loan, 300 soles, in her business.
She will use this new loan for 1,000 soles to buy merchandise for her business. She will buy items like Mother’s Day cards, flowers, sheets, and clothes. She works alone in her business.
Her dream is to have a clothing store, a well-stocked boutique that will allow her to generate better earnings.
She likes the camaraderie among the members of the communal bank.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish. View original language description.