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A loan helped to buy clothes, rice, sugar, salt, detergents, soft drinks, etc.

Letty Verónica's story

Letty Verónica and her family live in La Pila in the Montecristi area which is known nationally and internationally for its rich pre-colonial culture and its arts and crafts.
She’s a hard-working woman who finds ways to earn an income that she uses to help her family get ahead. She has a shop in her house and there she sells rice, sugar, salt, detergents, soft drinks and many other products she’s managed to stock her shop with using loans. She is very grateful for these loans and she asks lenders to continue with their help so she can have a larger variety of products. She also sells clothes from her shop which provides her with a good income.
This loan is to buy clothes, rice, sugar, salt, detergents, soft drinks, etc.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (8)
  • Bruce Australia
  • M
  • Ron and Marlene Andover, Minnesota, United States
  • M
  • Michael Columbus, OH, United States
  • Carolyn Chebanse, IL, United States
Contributing teams (4)

Loan details

Ron and Marlene
Andover, Minnesota, United States
Columbus, OH, United States
Chebanse, IL, United States
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