A loan helped a member to buy natural remedies for resale.

Divino Niño Jesus Group's story

The Divino Niño Jesus committee was formed through the dissemination of one of the committee members, they are currently in cycle 8 of the women's committee program, where they all fight for a better quality of life. They are also within the poverty elimination program, fighting together to get ahead.
Among them, Elsa Mariana stands out, who is a hard-working person who fights to get ahead and be able to help her loved ones to be able to get ahead and be able to give them a decent quality of life, without lacking any kind of need.
She works in the sale of natural remedies of all kinds, which she sells on the street, and says that through her modest work she generates the necessary income to be able to get ahead and be able to procure everything that her family needs.
She asks for this loan to buy natural remedies for resale, to be able to continue with her work and be able to meet the demand of her clients as she has been doing.
Note: The girl in the photo is the daughter of one of the members of the group who signs this loan.

In this group: Laura Soledad, Luz Maria, Ada Carolina, Maria Concepcion, Emilia, Elsa Mariana, Andrea Belen, Maribella Monserrath, Sandra Andrea, Isabel, Carina Eliana, Cynthia Lujan, Elvis Magdalena, Maria Del Carmen, Ana Maria, Limpia Concepcion, Clotilde, Ramona Estefania, Cesilia, Cinthia Paola, Margarita, Hilda Dejesus, Cristina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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