A loan helped to buy tuna, pasta, deli meats, cheeses, milk, soda, water, flour, and snacks.

Dayana Jumiley's story

Dayana Jumiley is a great wife and mother. Her daughter needs care so to take care of her she has a grocery store where a lot of customers go to buy a variety of products for consumption.

Dayana Juliana works everyday at her sales, providing the best service and products to her customers. She is very grateful to every person who helps her with the loans. With them, she can keep helping her family.

This loan is to buy tuna, pasta, deli meats, cheese, milk, soda, water, flour, snacks, bread, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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