A loan helped to pay school fees for his son who is in high school so he can study smoothly.

Stephen's story

Stephen, a determined smallholder farmer from Mogogosiek, is committed to building a better future for his family through agriculture. Though single, Stephen has worked tirelessly on his farm for a few years, overcoming the challenges of unpredictable weather and high input costs. His dedication to providing for his child is his greatest motivation. Stephen’s child is currently in high school, but the rising costs of living and farming have made it difficult to keep up with the school fees.

Stephen is requesting a loan to pay his son's school fees. He will use his loan to ensure that his child can continue their education without disruption, allowing them to reach their full potential. Stephen’s hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to both his farm and his child’s education make him a deserving candidate for this loan. By supporting him, funders will help a father keep his child's dream of education alive, paving the way for a brighter future for both of them.

This loan is special because:

It helps children stay in school with money for tuition fees.

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