This group of women was formed for the purpose of improving their living conditions. They see an opportunity to get ahead with the help offered by the Paraguayan Foundation through its program. These women help each other, and working as a team is fundamental to their achieving their goals together.
Micheli Lujan is the president of the committee. She is an active person who helps her teammates in whatever way she can and states that as a team they help each other and look for ways of improving and reaching their goals together. She has four children, and her purpose is to be able to continue to work so she can contribute to the family. She sells fruits and vegetables on the streets, and this together with her husband's help, enable them to cover their household's daily needs.
She is asking for this loan so she can buy fruits and fresh vegetables to sell and continue with her work and satisfy her customers' demand.
In this group: Micheli Lujan, Ada Estela, Adriana, Fatima Elizabeth, Agustina, Diana Elizabeth, Celsa, Rumilda, Claudia, Virginia, Adriana Mabel, Laura Beatriz, Lisa Adriana, Casiana, Angelina, Karen Lorena
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis. View original language description.