A loan helped to buy essentials.

Angelica's story

Angelica is a member of the “SAN ISIDRO DE YANAHUARA” community bank which is located in Urubamba district, in Urubamba province, in Cusco department.

Angelica is 36 years old, lives with her partner, and has four children. She divides her time between her daily activities and her grocery store business. Angelica sells essentials such as rice, sugar, noodles and oil. She serves in her store from 6.00am to 9.00pm and, through her business, she gets her children ahead in life. Angelica would like to expand her grocery store business. She is requesting her loan to buy essentials.

Angelica is happy to be receiving a loan and pledges to make her repayments on time.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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