Ana Lucia is 26 years old, single, and lives in her parents' house. They live in Picoazá, which is known for its commerce and religious festivals. It is a producer of vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits and is a source of progress and the primary center of informal commerce in Manabí.
Ana Lucia is a good daughter who helps her parents with the household expenses. She works at a company where she is paid monthly for her work. In her free time, she also offers a variety of second-hand clothing, which she purchases from the distributors who give it to her at good prices. She sells at her house on Saturdays in the afternoons to her customers who come to purchase. She leaves them with her customers on credit and collects weekly.
She is grateful to the good people who help her with the loans, so she is able to help her parents and give them the best. This loan is to purchase bales of excellent-quality clothing.
Her dream is for her parents to be very healthy and to be able to study at the university.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H. View original language description.