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A loan helped a member to purchase meat, noodles, oil, eggs, and other products.

Fortaleza Group's story

The committee named Fortaleza was formed thanks to one of the committee members who motivated her groupmates to be able to unite and work together for their families. They are also in the poverty elimination program, struggling together to get ahead and improve themselves.

Among them, Olga Marina stands out. She is the president of the group, an active and determined person who, with great effort, earns the daily sustenance for herself and her family. She comments that she works making and selling food products, such as a variety of foods like milanesas, empanadas, cooked manioc, and sandwiches. With her arduous and tireless work, she manages to help her spouse with the expenses of their house and children. They study at the school and she wants them to be good professionals in the future.

She asks for this loan to purchase raw materials to be able to continue making her food, such as meat, noodles, oil, eggs, and other products to be able to continue with her work.

In this group: Olga Marina, Jamili, Maria Isabel, Liliana Carolina, Fatima Belen, Carmen Lujan, Sonia Elizabeth, Arnilda, Luz Estefania, Avelina, Paola De Jesus, Maria Gabriela, Maria Dominga, Rocio Lujan, Mirna Concepcion, Ramona Dejesus, Analia Maria, Lorena, Ruth Jazmin, Maria Elena, Rosa Karina, Daysi Graciela, Josefina, Cyntia Paola

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (21)
  • Doug Zionsville, IN, United States
  • B
  • D
  • Thomas
  • Gary Boulder, CO, United States
  • R
    Roberta Swampscott, MA, United States
  • Ahmad Alharthi jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Rob Albuquerque, NM, United States
  • Cobe Windsor, Ontario, Canada
  • A
    Anonymous Supporter
Contributing teams (13)

Loan details

Zionsville, IN, United States
Boulder, CO, United States
Swampscott, MA, United States
Ahmad Alharthi
jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Albuquerque, NM, United States
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Anonymous Supporter
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