A loan helped to purchase 20,000 eggs and to hatch in the incubator.

Oleg's story

Oleg is married. He has an 8-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son. He lives in Ivano-Frankivsk. Oleg runs an egg hatching business along with his wife and father in law. He started this family business only 2 years ago. Oleg manages to combine the egg-hatching business with the transportation services that he offers, as a taxi driver in free hours, and his regular job of a chef in a local restaurant called ‘Vulik’ (‘Beehive’).

Oleg is requesting a 15,000 Grivnya loan to purchase 20,000 eggs and hatch them in his incubator. He admits that he is only learning all the tricks of the breeding business. However, Oleg is willing to continue expanding the trade by turning it into another successful course of his entrepreneurial activity. He is hoping his hatching and incubating venture will continue to grow and bring a stable income to he and his family, in the future.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details