A loan helped to buy boards, wood, fabrics, sponges, nails, sanders, paints, and images, among other materials.

Luis Felipe's story

Luis Felipe and his family live in the city of Portoviejo, a city rich in the production of vegetables, beans, and tropical fruit for internal consumption. It has beaches and a variety of tourist locations.

Luis Felipe, along with his cousin, work making mortuary caskets, which they sell to funeral homes within the city and for other cities which request them. They also sell to those who come and buy them in the factory. They work every day so that they can be able to provide the best for their children. He is thankful for the help of the good people who have provided loans in the past and into the future.

This loan will be used to buy boards, wood, fabrics, sponges, nails, sanders, paints, and images, among other materials.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David DiSilvestro.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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