A loan helped a member to buy 30 lengths of pagne [traditional wax-printed fabric] , which will increase her initial capital.

Salama Group's story

Mme Appoline is a member of Hekima MFI and leads the ‘Salama' village group. She is married, aged 45 and has 8 children, all of whom attend school. Her husband runs a small business.
She sells pagne and started this business 10 years ago with start-up funds from her husband. Later on, she joined the Hekima programme to support her business, during which it gradually developed.
With this new loan, she will stock up on 30 lengths of pagne, which will increase her initial capital. The challenge for her business is non-repayable credit.
She would like her children to continue their education and she would like to develop her business. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support given to business owners without access to conventional banking facilities.

In this group: Anna, Immaculee, Elysee, Appoline, Regine, Cecile, Kikuni, Chantal, Marie Jules, Eve, Martha, Pascasie, Amada, Tete, Angelique, Perpetue, Augustin, Clarice, Noella, Linda, Faustin

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Niclas Witton.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details