A loan helped to buy rock-climbing equipment for his sustainable and eco-friendly tourism microenterprise in indigenous territories.

Ruben's story

Ruben offers rock-climbing and rappel excursions in his indigenous territory of rural Panama, offering a sustainable tourism opportunity for tourists that visit Panama.

Ruben is from the indigenous reservation of Ngobe Bugle, West Panama. Although he started working in agriculture, he migrated to the USA and lived there for six years. During his time in the USA, he fell in love with rock-climbing and decided to get back to Panama to start offering rock-climbing tours in his native indigenous territory with the support of his partner, Yesibel.

Ruben is passionate about his indigenous culture, rappelling, and rock-climbing, and he also enjoys teaching it to locals and tourists. His excursions and tours are starting to get traction among visitors.

Today, he is applying for a small loan to buy rock-climbing equipment, ropes, carabiners, and safety gear to grow his small business. This will support the growth of his eco-tourism excursions. This new venture will create economic opportunities locally and generate sustainable jobs in the indigenous population.

Thank you for supporting small businesses that promote environmentally-friendly tourism in indigenous territories of Panama!

In this photo Ruben is with his partner, Yesibel.

This loan is special because:

It helps the people of a historically disadvantaged community access financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details