A loan helped to buy ice, cups, different-flavoured syrups, condensed milk and to maintain the slush machine and cart.

Alan Giusseppe's story

Alan Giusseppe is nineteen. He is single and lives with his parents. They live in Portoviejo, a city rich in vegetables, pulses and tropical fruit production for domestic consumption. It also has beaches and various tourist sites.
Alan Giusseppe is a great son, he sells slushes in a cart on the outskirts of the city university. Slushes are in demand from passersby and students; with the intense heat they are to everyone's liking. His customers like his good service and how delicious his slushes are. He works from Monday to Saturday, from early until he has sold all he has to sell. He is grateful to those good people who help him with loans so he can help his parents with the household costs.
This loan is to buy ice, throwaway cups, different-flavoured syrups, condensed milk and to maintain the slush machine and cart.
His dream is to have many sales, study at university and give his parents the best.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Angela Delaney.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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