A loan helped to buy raw materials such as fabric and thread and more sewing machines.

Angelica's story

Angélica is from the city of Eusebio Ayala. She is 46 years old and has lived with her spouse for 15 years. She has 2 children, one 15 and the other 13, both school aged.

She relates that the family decided to come to Villa Elisa when she was 20 years old. at first it was very difficult since she had no profession and therefore wasn't able to get a good job. So she started working at a family's house, Later she worked at a business that sold electronic games. Later, she met a lady who helped and her and taught her to sew with a machine. That is how she learned to be a seamstress. The same woman helped her buy a sewing machine.

Today she has a lot of customers for whom she makes clothing. With the income she obtained, she was able to buy a plot of land in the city of Fernando de la Mora, where she is building her house little by little. With the loan she is asking for she plans on financing her self a little better in her profession by buying more machines and getting raw materials.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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