Fifty-four-year-old Victoria grew up in a very poor family and had no formal education. She worked weaving bedspreads on a floor loom and also sold individual portions of fruit. She worked in a bedspread factory from when she was twelve until she was eighteen. Then, the factory closed.
She married a bricklayer assistant and they now have four grown children who range in age from nineteen to twenty-eight. Two of them are married and there are five grandchildren in the family. All of the children have high school diplomas. Victoria partially funded their education from washing clothes. She used to work daily but now works twice each week.
Six years ago Victoria began to raise poultry, including chickens, ducks and turkeys. She sells them in the market for three months and then from her home. She would like to use her eighth Kiva loan to buy cracked dry corn and concentrate for her poultry. She looks forward to expanding her business and income.
Victoria and six women who also live in the department/state of Huehuetenango have gathered together and formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Mujeres Bendecidas Zaculeu”. They all raise poultry and livestock. A monthly educational training, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program, serves them well. A facilitator, using pictures, diagrams, role playing and games, shares information about business administration, investing, health, family matters and women’s issues.
Thank you, Kiva lenders, for funding these much-needed loans!
In this group: Amanda, Victoria Margarita, Marta, Celsa, Eva Cecilia , Heidy Elizabeth , Yoselin Vanesa