A loan helped a member to buy live chickens and concentrated feed.

Canton Las Flores Z.2 Group's story

Odilia is a responsible woman. She is single and 18 years of age. She lives with her mother in the Chacalte canton, Las Flores sector which is a warm place with hardworking people.

One of the important activities Odilia does in her community is buying and selling live chickens. During the time that she has been working in this business, Odilia feels empowered because with the profits she supports her mother with household expenses.

Odilia belongs to the group “Cantón Las Flores Z.2” formed by three brave and hardworking women. One of the goals of these women is to improve their businesses. This motivates them to seek a loan to invest in their businesses. Specifically Odilia plans to buy live chickens and concentrated feed.

In this group: Odilia Maricela , Flor De Candelaria , Lilian Elizabeth

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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