A loan helped a member to purchase a buffalo for milk production.

Rudiya And Group's story

Rudiya is a 35-year-old married woman who resides in a small village in the Araria District of Bihar. She manages a milk sales business. Her household consists of four members and brings in a monthly income of 25,000 INR. Rudiya sells milk, curds, butter, and ghee in her community.

She wants to expand her business by purchasing another buffalo. For this reason, she applied for a portion of a group loan of 260,000 INR from Grameen Shakti, one of Milaap’s field partners. Rudiya leads a group of six women. All of them are engaged in income-generating activities, so they have applied for this group loan to expand their businesses.

Rudiya and her friends, as well as their families, are grateful for the support.

In this group: Rudiya, Sajni, Reshmi, Rani, Runa, Parwati

This loan is special because:

It provides business loans to women micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details