A loan helped to buy acacia seedlings for planting.

Loan's story

Ms. Loan is 56 years old, married, and has four children. Her family currently has three dependents including her husband. who is ill. Ms. Loan and her family live in Cẩm Thủy District. She belongs to an ethnic minority group in Vietnam and her family is classified as a low-income household in their local area.

Ms. Loan has over 31 years of experience in farming and livestock raising. She works as a hired laborer on farms in the area.

Ms. Loan is requesting a loan from organization Thanh Hoá MFI to supplement her forest planting and maintenance activities. This is her 4th loan so she can have more money to use to buy acacia seedlings for planting.

This tree is planted for about 5-6 years so that she can sell the wood

In the future, Ms. Loan hopes for a healthy and happy family. She aims to improve her business so she can purchase more tools and equipment to support her work. Additionally, she hopes to overcome the challenge of selling her products at low prices so she can further improve her family’s financial stability.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details